In This Masterclass, You’ll Discover...
- The simple game plan our clients use to pay off thousands in debt each month while having more fun and connection than ever before.
- How our clients get 100% on the same financial page within just a few short weeks, even if debt or money fights have been a wedge in their marriage forever.
- How our clients end money stress and anxiety, achieve security, and save-me-from-debt and 911 funds of 15-30k or more.
- The little known secret to a lifestyle of financial freedom on a decent income, even if the debt load is daunting.
- How our clients boost their income without having to work extra hours or side hustles so they can invest and give more toward their life goals and what matters to them.
- AND how to do it all while accumulating healthy retirement funds so they can retire when they want if they want and still leave a 7-fugure nest egg - even if that seems out of reach right now.
This webinar is different from any other webinars you have ever attended on the topic. You cannot afford not to attend this FREE masterclass.
Your Money Coach George Elia Kaadi
George Elia Kaadi is the Founder of Personal Finances Academy, a life-changing financial educator. George is an author, Money Coach Master, Author, Mortgage Broker, Debt Elimination EXPERT, and Certified insolvency counselor. He wrote the books on how to put your financial house in order.
He is on a mission to bring financial literacy and FREEDOM to one client at a time. Through the comprehensive training, he and his team work with their clients to tailor their financial plans, help them implement them, and hold them accountable for their success.